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Update: Meeting with Taiwan Deputy Premier on Startup Education & Investment (2015/03/10)

Excited to be invited to join for the first time as "iiiNNO Community" to the 【創創會報】meeting with deputy premier of Taiwan, government official and Taiwan startup ecosystem representative.

Original Text in Traditional Chinese

  • Date: 2015/03/10

  • Location: Executive Yuan, Taiwan

  • Taipei Key person: deputy premier of Taiwan

行政院副院長張善政昨(9)日會見青年創業家,青創家建議發展比特幣,並倡議鬆綁公司法等組織型態,以協助青年創業環境,行政院表示,在虛擬世界法規調適中,已積極針對網路創業法規鬆綁議題檢討鬆綁,近期內也要提出閉鎖型公司組織型態。 張善政昨天邀請多位網路世代創業家、iiiNNO創業社群,及FlyingV創辦人林弘全、之初創投合夥人詹益鑑、愛卡拉互動媒體執行長程世嘉等政院青年顧問團成員,舉行創新創業座談會,希望營造友善的創業環境與氛圍。

與會成員針對人才荒及鬆綁法規二大主軸,提出諸多意見。據悉,會中有青創家提出,有很多學生到青創公司實習,應有激勵措施,可藉此培育青年創業家,張善政同意後續列入產學合作平台繼續研議。 青創業者肯定經部、國發會經常與創業家建立溝通平台,但與教育部及其他部會卻缺乏溝通管道,政委顏鴻森會中也認同,在教育部政策平台,可讓青創家多參與意見提供。

有青創家提出,很多國家投入資金研究發展比特幣,台灣是否要發展這一塊?有部會代表立即回答「金管會恐怕不會同意」。政院高層也開玩笑說:「看誰能說服得了彭總裁?」官員說,比特幣不是一種貨幣,銀行擔心國內發展比特幣,銀行信用卡恐被消滅,金管會及央行也保守看待。 青創家也倡議公司法等組織型態的鬆綁,政委蔡玉玲辦公室說明,已積極針對網路創業法規鬆綁議題檢討鬆綁中,例近期內也要提出閉鎖型公司組織型態。 對政府補助案件申請,青創社群業者建議,教育部科技部或經部有很多補助計畫,未來可延攬創投業者參與審查補助計畫,因為過去找學者審議,但學者列出了很多指標,但事實上不可行。


Translation in English

  • Date: March 10, 2015

  • Location: Executive Yuan, Taipei City, Taiwan

  • Key Person: Deputy Premier of Taiwan, Chang San-Cheng

During a meeting on March 9 with young entrepreneurs, Deputy Premier Chang San-Cheng discussed the potential development of Bitcoin and advocated for loosening regulations under the Company Law to facilitate a more conducive environment for young entrepreneurs. The Executive Yuan indicated that it is actively reviewing and loosening regulations related to internet entrepreneurship, with plans to propose a closed company organizational structure soon.

Chang San-Cheng hosted a roundtable discussion on innovation and entrepreneurship with several internet generation entrepreneurs, members of the iiiNNO startup community, and founders from FlyingV and other organizations, aiming to foster a friendly entrepreneurial environment. Participants addressed key issues such as talent shortages and regulatory relaxation, proposing various opinions. It was noted that many students intern at startups and suggested motivational measures to nurture young entrepreneurs, which Chang agreed to incorporate into a cooperative education platform for further discussion.

Participants confirmed that while the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the National Development Council regularly establish communication platforms with entrepreneurs, there is a lack of communication channels with the Ministry of Education and other departments. Commissioner Yan Hong-Sen acknowledged this gap and suggested involving entrepreneurs more in the Ministry of Education's policy platforms.

A young entrepreneur questioned whether Taiwan should invest in Bitcoin research and development like other countries. A representative from the regulatory department responded that the Financial Supervisory Commission would likely disagree. Senior government officials humorously mentioned, "Let's see who can persuade President Peng." Officials noted that Bitcoin is not considered a currency and expressed concerns that its development might threaten the existence of bank credit cards, with both the Financial Supervisory Commission and the Central Bank holding conservative views.

Additionally, there were calls for relaxation of the Company Law and other organizational structures, with Commissioner Tsai Yu-ling's office reporting ongoing reviews and loosening of internet entrepreneurship regulations. Suggestions were also made for venture capitalists to participate in reviewing government subsidy applications, addressing the impracticality of academic-led reviews.

Regarding funding, young entrepreneurs believe there is a significant gap in the early stages of startup funding (from 0 to 1), suggesting that the government should consider supporting the creative idea stage financially. Deputy Premier Chang directed that the innovation committee should continue to closely establish communication platforms through four subgroups.

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